This Program is committed to providing the highest quality methadone maintenance therapy, by employing competent, qualified, and courteous staff and adhering to the best practices in the field, in order to enhance the lives of the people we serve.
This Program is committed to providing the highest quality methadone maintenance therapy, by employing competent, qualified, and courteous staff and adhering to the best practices in the field, in order to enhance the lives of the people we serve.
We Care Arundel Health Services, Inc. 13 A Aquahart Road, Glen Burnie, MD. 21061 / Phone 410-766-9668
We Care Laurel Health Services, Inc. 8730-1 Cherry Lane, Laurel, MD. 20707 / Phone 301-490-7995
Joppa Health Services, Inc. 623-A Pulaski Hwy, Joppa, MD 21085 / Phone 410-538-5809
Metwork Health Services, Inc. 2120 Liberty Road, Eldersburg, MD 21784 / Phone 410-781-4158
We are happy to accept cash, money order or credit card (Visa and Mastercard welcome); and personal checks after admission. Medicaid is Welcome. We do not accept Medicare.
CALL 988
Helpline services include emergency counseling, referrals to local resources, and mobile response teams who can respond in the community.
Please take the time to review our ORIENTATION material by clicking on this text. If you see anything you don't understand, or have never had explained, it means we need to improve our orientation process. Your feedback is essential.

If you need help with your tobacco use these numbers could be helpful
1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848)
The National Cancer Institute’s trained counselors are available to provide information and help with quitting in English or Spanish, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time.
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
Calling this toll-free number will connect you directly to your state quit line. All states have quit lines in place with trained coaches
1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848)
The National Cancer Institute’s trained counselors are available to provide information and help with quitting in English or Spanish, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time.
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
Calling this toll-free number will connect you directly to your state quit line. All states have quit lines in place with trained coaches
Methadone Safety Video Provided by Addiction Treatment Forum
If you are thinking about treatment or are already in treatment we strongly encourage you to view this video immediately
It reviews how methadone works
It identifies the risks of methadone
You will also hear from staff and clients concerning safety protocols
and the key components of safe methadone dosing
It reviews how methadone works
It identifies the risks of methadone
You will also hear from staff and clients concerning safety protocols
and the key components of safe methadone dosing
*This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer